Eligibility: This contest is open to all residents of the greater Gig Harbor and Key peninsulas, inclusive of its islands and neighboring cities. ​
How to Enter: Contest opens on May 15, 2017 and closes on July 31, 2017 (the "Deadline Date"). All entries must be received by that time. To enter, fill out the Community Harvest Recipe Entry Form below.
Your recipe must be attached to and submitted with your entry form. All recipes must be the original work of entrant and not previously published. Entrants may use other recipes for inspiration.
By submitting a recipe to the #Community Harvest Crockpot Recipe Contest, you grant Sponsor unrestricted use of your submitted entry. That includes the right to publish your recipe and the right to include your name and hometown. Sponsor reserves the right to edit, modify, translate, reproduce and distribute the submitted material in connection with its #Community Harvest project and other programs, as it deems appropriate. You may be contacted via phone or email regarding your submission.
Recipe Requirements: Your crockpot/slow cooker recipe must be nutritious, provide for about 8 to 10 servings, and largely be constructed of canned (e.g., vegetables, broths, sauces, beans, meats, etc.), boxed or dry ingredients (e.g., rice, pasta, dry beans, lentils, seeds, grains, seasonings, etc.). Fresh ingredients are allowed (e.g., potatoes, onions, carrots, etc.).
Winning Recipes: Winners will be determined by judging all qualifying entrants' submissions based on the following criteria:
Nutritious (25%): Does this recipe provide a good balance for a family’s nutritional needs? Is it low in sodium and fat? Is it high in protein, fiber and vitamins?
Taste (25%): Does this recipe taste great with every bite? Does it have broad appeal for all family members?
Visual Appeal (25%): Do your eyes make you want to eat this dish before you even smell or taste it?
Crowd Appeal (25%): Is your recipe easy to make? Does the recipe have easy-to-find everyday ingredients? Does the recipe have a story that will inspire many others to make it?
All recipes will be judged using these criteria. In the event of a tie, the highest scoring entry in the Nutritious category will be the winner.
Winners: A total of 29 winning recipes will be selected. A Grand Prize will be awarded, and trophies will be given to first- , second- and third-place winners. All winners will be determined and notified on or about Aug. 17, 2017 by regular mail and/or email. If two similar entries are received, only the entry judged to best meet the criteria will be included in the final judging. All 29 selected recipe winners will be published in local news and social media, as selected, beginning in August 2017.
For more information: Call the Greater Gig Harbor Foundation at 253-514-6338 or email us at communityharvest@gigharborfoundation.org