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The Gig Harbor Senior Center (GHSC) is the only active community-based senior-oriented facility of its kind in the greater Gig Harbor area.

The inexorable aging of the Baby Boom generation has been taking place at a rate of about 10,000 per day hitting age 65 since 2001. At the same time there has been a decrease in public funding for senior-related facilities and services. With the closure of the Gig Harbor Branch of the Boys and Girls Club, our community’s active seniors club (Gig Harbor Active Seniors Club) was displaced.


Though, thanks to the efforts of many the Gig Harbor Senior Center was formed as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization under the Greater Gig Harbor Foundation.


The GHSC is committed to being a steadfast champion for the well-being, dignity, and independence of our community’s growing aging population. We accomplish this through rich programming, strong community outreach, partnerships, and a deep understanding of best practices and aging trends.


Your donation will help support GHSC’s dynamic programs and services, focused on enriching the lives of community seniors through diverse educational, recreational and healthy living programs, social services, activities, meaningful community service opportunities, and more.


The work of the GHSC would not be possible without you and the support of the community.  Your support makes the Gig Harbor Senior Center programs possible and affordable.  We hope you will invest in the health and well-being of our community’s seniors in a way that is meaningful to you.


Contact Julie at 253-514-6338 or with questions about unique giving arrangements, future plans for the GHSC and more.

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