In 2008, the Foundation embarked on a on a unique and life enhancing project for children and their families in the greater Pierce county region – a certified Boundless™ playground. The playground, the first of its kind in the Northwestern United States, is located at the 98-acre Sehmel Homestead Park. The park opened in 2010 with many amenities such as picnic facilities, a pavilion and amphitheater, a rhododendron garden, ball fields, tennis and basketball courts, an extensive trail system and many other recreational opportunities.

Working with the community, the Foundation raised $200,000 toward the $300,000 needed to build the barrier-free, accessible playground and establish an endowment to provide for its long-term care. PenMet Parks funded the balance of the project and donated the site at the park.
The playground provides a public barrier-free area where all families from communities around the region can come together to allow their children to play and learn in a safe, unencumbered environment. It also fills a significant void in our community and the region by providing a special outdoor space where children with disabilities can fully enjoy their playground experience.
The Boundless™ playground is located at Sehmel Homestead Park.