A vibrant community where all have awareness, access to, and opportunities to participate in arts and culture oriented activities.
The GGHF encourages community members to create and attend arts and cultural events, which can be crucial to developing effective strategies for reaching broader and more diverse audiences. It is through music, literature, art, drama and dance that we tell the story of our past and express our hopes for the future. All Gig Harbor/Peninsula citizens deserve a quality of life that includes the nurturing and expressive aspects of culture and the arts. The arts humanize community, and give us inspiration and opportunities to connect as individuals.
Arts and culture also enables a great financial and economic benefit for the greater Gig Harbor and Key peninsula region. The Foundation strives to create a supportive atmosphere for culture and the arts, and to support cultural entrepreneurship, and artists’ ability to earn a decent living. In so doing, GGHF can not only enhance the life experiences available in our community, but also enhance the revenue streams created by the arts and cultural economic impact.
To provide a place to learn and share best practices for arts and culture organizations and to ensure that adequate community-based resources are available.

The Arts and Culture Core Area Board (CAB) works to establish essential support and resources for individuals, initiatives and organizations that strengthen the presence of the arts, make the arts more accessible for everyone, and enhance the understanding of all types of arts and humanities across our peninsula communities.